Contributing to Athena

Athena is an OLX open source project that is both under very active development and is also being used to automate stuff at OLX. We're still working the details to make contributing to this project as easy and transparent as possible. Hopefully with the help of this document and your feedback we will eventually make it.

Our Development Process

Some of our core contributors will be working directly on GitHub. These changes will be public from the beginning.

master changes fast

We move fast and most likely things will break. Every time there is a commit our CI server will run the tests and hopefully they will pass all times. We will do our best to properly communicate the changes that can affect the application API and always version appropriately in order to make easier for you to use a specific version.

Pull Requests

The core contributors will be monitoring for pull requests. When we get one, we will pull it in and apply it to our codebase and run our test suite to ensure nothing breaks. Then one of the core contributors needs to verify that all is working appropriately. When the API changes we may need to fix internal uses, which could cause some delay. We'll do our best to provide updates and feedback throughout the process.

Before submitting a pull request, please make sure the following is done:

  1. Fork the repo and create your branch from master.
  2. If you've added code that should be tested, add tests!
  3. If you've changed APIs, update the documentation.
  4. Ensure the test suite passes (bashunit tests).


Where to Find Known Issues

We will be using GitHub Issues for our public bugs. We will keep a close eye on this and try to make it clear when we have an internal fix in progress. Before filing a new issue, try to make sure your problem doesn't already exist.

Reporting New Issues

A good issue description starts with information about your Athena Environment. Since Athena 0.10.1 you can run athena new-issue in order to generate a short Markdown preamble for your issue. Please copy and paste the output of that command in your issue description alongside all steps necessary to reproduce your problem. Please also provide the actual error output and specify what you were expecting instead.

How to Get in Touch

Development best practices


  • Global Variables :

    • SHOULD be avoided and used only to store global state
    • MUST be handled using getters and setters
    • MUST be named in uppercase, e.g.: MY_VARIABLE_NAME
    • MUST be prefixed with ATHENA when defined in Athena engine and prefixed with ```ATHENA_PLG${PLUGINNAME}``` when defined in a plugin, e.g.:
  • Local variables :

    • MUST be declared with the local keyword
    • MUST be named in lowercase
  • CLI functions:

    • MUST be tested and documented
    • Documentation MUST follow the following format :

      # Description
      # USAGE: <name_of_function> [argument...]
      # RETURN: <type_of_return>

      while arguments have the rules:

      • mandatory arguments needs to be inside < > like <varname1>
      • optional arguments needs to be inside [ ] like [varname2]
      • one or more arguments needs to be written as varname3... like <directory...> meaning one or more directories are mandatory

      and return values the rules:

      • <type_of_return> should be written as --if no return value exists
      • return types should be written in lower case like string or int
    • when used as a core athena function MUST follow the naming schema athena.${context}.${function_name}

    • when used as a plugin function (inside the lib directory) MUST follow the naming schema athena.plugins.${plugin_name}.${function_name}
    • MUST always return 0 when success and not 0 when fail
  • Plugin Commands

    • MUST NOT have a shebang line
    • Arguments MUST only be accessed or setted using the functions in athena.argument library


  • Library functions MUST be located inside ${PLUGIN}/bin/lib and when multiple contexts are handled MUST follow the naming schema ${PLUGIN}/bin/lib/functions.${CONTEXT}.sh, e.g.: java/bin/lib/

  • Library functions MUST follow the following name schema : athena.plugins.${plugin_name}.${function_name}

  • Folders that are supposed to be mounted in the docker container MUST be located in ${PLUGIN}/mnt/${context}, e.g.: java/mnt/api

  • Source code used per context MUST follow a recommended standard, e.g.: PHP MUST follow PSR-2, JAVA MUST follow Google ( or other widely adopted

  • External libraries MUST not be “shipped” with the plugin and MUST have a License that allows us to use it as we see fit, e.g.: Apache 2.0 License

  • Documentation MUST be provided

  • Examples on HOW TO USE MUST be provided

  • The init command MUST NOT be used directly


By contributing to Athena, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 (APLv2).

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